Some Great Kid’s Snack Ideas
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Tap2Tag Medical Wristbands
We are super excited about launching this amazing Wristband VERY SOON !!! You and I both know how important it is for our Allergy children to wear something, which would generally be a wristband, so that everybody they come into contact with like Teachers, Sports coaches, friends parents are all made aware of their allergies. AWARENESS is key when it comes to allowing our … Read More

Airvax Air Purifier
We all struggle with Hayfever (airborne allergies) in our house and we live in Cape Town, which means during change of season and then generally throughout summer, we suffer badly with allergies because the wind blows continuously. What causes Hayfever? Hay fever is a type of allergic reaction. It happens when pollens and other particles in the air get into your nose and eyes and cause inflammation. It usually affects the nose, face, sinus passages, eyes and throat. Seasonal hay fever (also … Read More

Allergy Friendly Restaurants
Summer and Holidays for most means more eating out, which under normal circumstances is a lovely thought. However when you have to take food allergies and intolerances into account it can make going on holiday seem like an endless nightmare !! We did a bit of research and found a few restaurants who claim to be Allergy Friendly. Give them a try and let us know what you think and if you have any that you visit regularly, please drop us a mail and we will gladly add it to our list … Read More

Disney Healthy Living Competition
ENTER NOW AND WIN THIS STUNNING DISNEY HAMPER !!! We are so excited to be working with Disney Healthy Living. The Festive season is upon us and now more than ever parents are looking for ideas to cut down on sugar!!! Check out Disney Healthy Living and this great article on how to cut down on sugar. THEN enter the competition by following these 3 easy steps : Like our Facebook page Share the competition on facebook. Tell us … Read More
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