Airvax Air Purifier

We all struggle with Hayfever (airborne allergies) in our house and we live in Cape Town, which means during change of season and then generally throughout summer, we suffer badly with allergies because the wind blows continuously. What causes Hayfever? Hay fever is a type of allergic reaction. It happens when pollens and other particles in the […]

Allergy Friendly Restaurants

  Summer and Holidays for most means more eating out, which under normal circumstances is a lovely thought. However when you have to take food allergies and intolerances into account it can make going on holiday seem like an endless nightmare !! We did a bit of research and found a few restaurants who claim […]

Summer Must Haves


Disney Healthy Living Competition

ENTER NOW AND WIN THIS STUNNING DISNEY HAMPER !!!   We are so excited to be working with Disney Healthy Living. The Festive season is upon us and now more than ever parents are looking for ideas to cut down on sugar!!! Check out Disney Healthy Living and this great article on how to cut down on […]

Sunumbra Sport Natural Sunscreen

  Summer has arrived in full force and there is no pun intended as the South Easter is blowing a gale down here in Cape Town. The problem with the wind is that you feel cold but the sun is just a harsh, so sun protection is most definitely necessary. I have an incredibly sensitive […]

Pure Beginnings Fun time KIDS WASH

  I have been on the lookout for a natural wash that my 10 year old twin girls could use on their faces. For the simple reason, that they do a lot of sport and have been getting the odd pimple which I don’t think is necessarily the start of puberty, or it may be (insert […]

Kiddy-Calm Range of products

We were very excited when we were asked to review two Therific Naturals Magnesium sulphate bath products and just in the nick of time. The reason for that was my one 10 year old twin girl had contracted a stock standard Upper Respiratory Tract Viral infection which theoretically should have been over in two or […]

Orgran Gluten Free Flour

  I decided I wanted to make my girls good old fashioned Macaroni and cheese. However, with a child who is dairy sensitive and a another who is gluten intolerant, I needed to find a flour that I could use to not only bake with but also make a White sauce with. Bring on ORGRAN […]

Orgran Allergen Free Flour

With a child that is now dairy sensitive and another that is intolerant to Gluten, I needed to find an allergy free flour that I could not only bake with, but also make a white sauce with. Bring on Orgran Allergy Free Flour!

Kiddy-Calm Review

We were very excited when we were asked to review two Therific Naturals Magnesium sulphate bath products and just in the nick of time. The reason for that was my one 10 year old twin girl had contracted a stock standard Upper Respiratory Tract Viral infection which theoretically should have been over in two or […]

Hayfever Season

  Unfortunately “Allergy Season” does not only happen in Spring. We all know what Hayfever Season means but do you really know what is sending your nose into a streaming spiral and your eyes into a watering , make up running catastrophe ? Pollen is probably the main seasonal allergen that causes the most “Hayfever” […]

Myths of Allergy Testing

  We are by no means medical professionals but what we are, are Mom’s who have children with allergies!! My youngest was dairy allergic, soy intolerant and borderline immune deficient as a baby, most of which she has outgrown with a bit of help and my one twin is severely gluten intolerant. Chantal, my Partner’s […]

Travelling with an Allergykid

Travelling with an Allergy Kid We were super lucky to be taken away on holiday to Mauritius with my Husband’s entire immediate family. Never mind super lucky, probably more like super spoilt! Now I am a pretty organised person and the last time we travelled overseas it was with my little one who was dairy […]

Interview with our first Superhero

For anyone, no matter how big or small, being diagnosed with a diabetes is life changing. It means a massive change in lifestyle and simple pleasures that you once enjoyed at will, are no longer available to you. Birthday parties, sleep overs and school outings can be scary and challenging. We at Allerygkids are so […]
